14 things we can learn from introverts

They are quiet rather than quick-tempered. They like to stay in the background and avoid the limelight: introverted people. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of all people belong to the group with a quiet temperament.

For years, extrovertedness was regarded as a formula for success, especially at work. But now more and more books and studies deal with the mystery that lies in the restraint of the introverts.

We have put together 14 characteristics of introverted people, each of whom can learn something:

1. Can listen

Introverts are often considered shy - but they are only faster flooded with external stimuli than extroverts who need the junk as an elixir of life. Introverts, on the other hand, like to make others radiate. You like to hear - and good! - too. And so often learn so much more from others than extroverts who like to talk a lot - often about themselves.

2. Seek peace

If it gets too much for an introvert, he pulls the ripcord and pulls back. But not only when the water is already up to his neck or the diary is about to burst. Introverts are instinctively shielded against overstimulation - and thus do something good in time.

3. Work exactly

Bean counters or pedants are not necessarily bad words for introverts - they like to take it very carefully. "Just read something" is not her style. "Better check everything again" already.

4. Give another room

Because introverts do not like being the center of attention themselves, they have no problem leaving the spotlight on others. Not every other sentence starts with the word "I". They can enjoy the successes of others - because they give people space, without constantly pushing forward.

5. Concentrate

Extroverts get bored quickly - especially when it comes to tasks that take time and effort. Introverts, provided they live in a quiet environment, can often spend hours on a task. Their frustration tolerance is often higher, also because they are not so easily distracted.

6. Be reliable

Extroverts know so many people and are so enthusiastic about so many ideas that sometimes they have a problem connecting everyone. Since an appointment can sometimes be forgotten. Introverts tend not to dance at two weddings at the same time, they select much more precisely what they want to use their precious time for. You can count on them.

7. Put on modesty

Introverts like to be in the background. To state with their successes is not their thing. That does not mean that they do not know what they have on the box. They just do not let it hang out at every opportunity, but put on modesty.

8. Show understanding

Introverts are often less self-absorbed than extroverts. Because they think a lot and deliberately about themselves and others, they know that black and white thinking is a dead end. In addition, they are often the better listeners and do not relate everything that others say to themselves.

9. Keep well

Studies have shown that introverts are better at budgeting than extroverts. These would often reward themselves with material things. In addition, they often act spontaneously and the purse is looser. The result: Extroverts have less savings. Introverts often act more passively and far less spontaneously, which has a positive effect on their finances.

10. Feeling profound

Extroverts know the roller coaster ride between sky high and sad to death only too well. They are quick to get excited, but are often just as disappointed. Introverts usually take much longer to get excited about something. But the enthusiasm is also more sustainable.

11. Think analytically

While extroverts tend to make decisions from the gut, introverts are less driven by emotion. They analytically approach a problem, illuminate it from different angles and make it more objective.

12. Be persistent

Introverts do not give up quickly. When it gets complicated, it often irritates her. Extroverts are enthusiastic about fast solutions. The hours of pure kneeling in one thing are rather not. Where some throw the towel, the others bloom first.

13. No blah

Because introverts hate as little as small talk, they will only hear verbal banter in exceptional situations. They see that as wasted time.

14. Be a true friend

Dear a few good friends that you can really rely on, than a lot of superficial acquaintances. If they allow a person to enter their lives, they have previously considered them to be trustworthy - and they are loyal and reliable at their side.

14 Things Only True Introverts Will Understand (April 2024).

Introverts, extroverts, introverts, learning