14 sentences that pregnant women can no longer hear

1. "May I touch it?"


No question pregnant women listen more often. Normally we only exchange a handshake in our company. But as soon as a baby is in the stomach, all sorts of human hands want to intimidate this intimate area. Accompanied by "Ah!" and "Oh !!" and "I think I feel something!" As if we had suddenly landed in the Tantra group course. Yes, we also think that the bullet is a miracle, but it is still OUR body that you are welcome to touch only to those who do it anyway. And not the colleague from the neighboring department.

2. "Ui, now you can see something!"

What you do not say! Is already the fifth month! And babies are growing, have you ever heard?

3. "Are you sure they will not be twins ?!"

Yes, there are pregnant women with a perfect round gag ball under their breasts. And there are pregnant women, whose stomach is almost uncontrolled. Huge and misshapen, almost threatening in many eyes. The woman and the number of children in it, but rarely have anything to do with it. This is just tough pregnancy fate. So save the comment and do not make the woman in a bad mood!

4. "Do not overdo yourself!"

It actually comes in every form of movement. And if only the way to the fridge.

5. "A friend of mine did sport until the end of the day, he was doing great!"


The other extreme. Someone always knows a woman who ran a marathon shortly before the delivery. But not everyone is such an Iron Mom. And if we just want to be lazy and pregnant in peace, that's really okay!

6. "Soon it will be over with freedom!"

Hello? We get a BABY and we want to devote ourselves to the hormonal frenzy and look forward to it like crazy! So please let us have the illusion. Just a little bit more.

7. "And - already eaten sour cucumbers with Nutella?"

Sorry, I think ... I have to vomit again ....

8. "A glass of sparkling wine did not harm us from time to time."

No? YOU may not, but did you think of the children in your bellies? And no, thank you, I do not want a slice of raw milk cheese anymore.


9. "Take something else, you can eat for two!"

Um, and how is the second serving to fit into my squeezed stomach?

10. "I feel completely pregnant today."

Just because the tummy tense a bit after the cake? Hahahaha. No. Really, no. That's not comparable at all.

11. "Yes, yes, the hormones ..."

We hear this phrase every time we get angry. Or bitchy. Or cry. Very often.

12. "You have such a sharp belly, that will be a boy!"

Yawn, exactly. And if I'm sick, it'll be a girl, and if I have heartburn, the kid will not have hair. You always carry a mandrake root in your pocket or?

13. "Do you know how long you want to stay in the job?"

Aaaah, here they come, the first harbingers of the Mommy Wars. No matter what you answer (for example, "do not know", "1 year", "3 years", "6 months"), any Schon mother always raises her eyebrow because what she said does not match her picture of a good mother. And then maybe this bad sentence follows:

14. "I could not do that."

Welcome, you belong now to the Mama-Club!

A Special Word For Women ❃Bishop T D Jakes❃ (May 2024).
