10 tips: That's good for the voice

1. Also shut up

Permanent speech strains the vocal cords. This often happens unnoticed at first, but eventually the body with hoarseness and neck scratching defends itself. Teachers, actresses, fitness trainers - those who have a lot to talk about in their profession know the problem. What to do? Whenever possible: silence. And do not whisper, that puts even more strain on the vocal cords. Prefer to speak as little as possible, but in normal volume.

2. Rants allowed

But too little talking is bad for the voice. Not only our muscles, but also our voice wants to be challenged regularly. Incidentally, experts also recommend that they complain loudly - for vocal hygiene. Well then...

3. Avoid cold starts

Good news for morning muffle: You have a good excuse now, if you do not want to talk so much in the morning. Because the voice does not do such a cold start well. The recommendation: In the morning and generally after a long break from speaking the voice is not fully charged. And once you stretch the whole body, that also benefits your voice.

4. Cough instead of hawking

Whoever has a proven voice, clears his throat. In this way, our voice is clear again, but we burden the sensitive mucous membranes of the vocal folds. Better and just as effective: cough briefly.

5. Do not forget to bring air

You want to make yourself heard and put it on volume? Not necessary. More importantly, you take your time to speak. Give yourself and your audience a break at the latest after eight to twelve words and take a deep breath.

6. Open your mouth

Have you ever noticed how many people open their mouth while singing? Even speaking, it is better to open your mouth properly. Not only does the voice good, but also the neck muscles. It tenses when we keep our mouth convulsively small while speaking.

7. More vocal power from the speech therapist

Meeting friends in the pub. Your voice is thin and rough? The others can barely understand you? See the doctor to rule out cysts, nodules, and similar changes in the vocal tract. If everything is in order organically, a speech therapist helps to give the voice more power.

8. Drink fruit tea

To keep your vocal cords supple and resilient, you should drink a lot. Good for the voice is warm fruit tea. Even herbal tea with protective ingredients such as sage, thyme or marshmallow is well suited. Additional plus: Those who drink a lot better protect the mucous membranes from infections. If the room air gets very dry in winter, hang wet towels on the heater.

9. Suck candies and inhale

Sweets or lozenges stimulate salivation and are therefore a good voice-doping for those who talk a lot or feel a first scratch in the throat. Also a blessing for the voice is to inhale with saline solution. You do not have to wait for the voice to weaken. Moisture is always good for her.

10. Be careful with coffee, alcohol and cigarettes

In general, if you have voice problems, avoid alcohol and cigarettes as much as possible. The same goes for coffee, black and green tea.

How to Take Care of Your Voice | Singing Lessons (April 2024).

agree, hoarseness, correct training, good with voice