10 reasons for a shared flat - even beyond the 30!

Living in a shared flat is great! OK, most of the time ... But millions of students sharing the kitchen, exam stress and headaches can not be wrong. The remarkable thing is that shared housing is becoming increasingly popular among working people.

Just recently, "Die Zeit" reported on the new trend. The basis for this are current figures from the real estate portal "wg-gesucht". According to this, at least one employed person lives in 34.2 percent of all WGs in Germany - three years ago it was only 28.2 percent: an increase of 6 percent. The fact that Hamburg, Munich and Frankfurt are big cities in the first three places, has a very pragmatic background: the expensive rents in the cities. It's getting harder and harder to find affordable housing - especially for those looking for a place to live alone. Since the WG is then often just a stopgap.

But there are people who live in a shared flat not only for cost reasons - even if they have graduated from the university and are working. Here are 10 reasons for shared-flat living "in old age":

The WG life is also great after university ...

1. ... because we can always borrow everything

Anyone who has roommates always has a person to share - and to borrow. Drill, air mattress, asparagus pot - all this you do not have to own everything yourself. Of course, the other way around.

2. ... because we become more tolerant

Everyone has their quirks. And that's just as well. When you live with someone, you can not help but develop a certain tolerance - in comparison to the small (and sometimes slightly larger) peculiarities of the other.

3. ... because we can share the work

In mixed WGs of students and professionals there is often someone who prefers to go to the bakery in the morning, rather than to sit down to his thesis. Not to mention unpleasant tasks like cleaning your bathroom - nice, if you are not completely responsible for it.

4. ... because the cooking is getting better

Cooking for several is much more fun, especially when it comes with more than just spaghetti with pesto. And that tends to be more common among people with more food and cooking experience.

5. ... because the nights are longer

Dull WG nights in the kitchen with lots of wine, music and heated discussions will not get boring, just because you have all the bills together. Even if we do not come up as quickly as we did the next day.

6. ... because it connects

The interest in other people does not diminish even after graduation - and where do you get to know new people (and their friends) as easily as in a shared flat?

7. ... because more life is in the shack

It is nicer to live alone in a large apartment with many people than in a small apartment.

8. ... because there is always someone when we are sick

Anyone who has spent two weeks alone on the sofa with a big flu and only talks to the pharmacist every three days knows how good it is when somebody cooks soup for us in the evening, buys new handkerchiefs and brings DVDs from the library with us. Friends can do that, but roommates have to go to your apartment anyway.

9. ... because it extends our horizons

Your roommate has an extraordinary soft spot? Congratulations, you too now. You do not necessarily care about the roommates' interests and may discover how many exciting hobbies there are that we did not even know about.

10 ... because we get to know each other better

How tolerant are we really? And where are our limits? We learn this only really when we live together as adults with other people. Not infrequently we then realize that we get upset too much about little things that are not so bad (does it matter if the toilet lid is open or closed?). And that we have at least as many quirks as our roommates.

10 Hacks for Mountain Biking and Beyond (May 2024).

Shared flat, Germany, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, shared flat, shared flat, after 30, university, popular