10-minute recipes that give more time for enjoyment

The 50 healthiest 10-minute recipes

After a long day's work, start elaborate experiments in the kitchen? No thanks. But if you still want to eat healthy and varied, you rely on quick recipes that can be implemented without much effort. The 50 selected 10-minute prescriptions Dr. Ing. med. Anne Fleck, head physician at the Lanserhof in Hamburg, in her book of the same name, are just such recipes.

To prepare healthy delicacies

Her approach: "Cook quickly - chew and enjoy longer". And so their quick flash recipes, although they can be implemented with some skill in just ten minutes, are not to be understood as a drive to rush through the day even faster, but as a way to save time in preparing and then in the extensive To invest pleasure.

Deceleration is the keyword here! That means above all: thoroughly chewing. "Good chewing is crucial, because it's the first digestive step," Dr. med. Anne Fleck in the foreword to her book The 50 Healthiest 10 Minute Recipes. "This book should motivate you to prepare healthy delicacies and thus create the basis for healthy enjoyment."

Delicious dishes in less than 10 minutes

Each of the 50 beautifully illustrated 10-minute recipes in her book is provided with a precise time indication. So the preparation of the fine pea-mint soup only 09:48 minutes to complete, for the savory date cream you need 09:02 minutes and the chicken breast on pointed cabbage with white beans is even after only 07:34 minutes on the table ,

Of course, the precision of this information is above all one thing: motivation. Because, of course, most of us sometimes need a bit more than 10 minutes to prepare the recipes, but who knows that the dish is prepared in no time - be it 9, 12 or 14 minutes - is more motivated, even with the To start cooking. We found that quite quickly when working with the book. The most important thing is: it works. You can cook more often, healthier and with more pleasure during the week evenings!

Cooking unconventionally and innovatively

"Savvy cooks," says the doctor, "make the preparation within ten minutes - in their own kitchen and with careful selection of the ingredients." A food processor or a blender are a great advantage because they take over the part of the job that usually takes up most of the time: snipping and cutting. Even otherwise, the 10-minute recipes in this book are always a bit unconventional and very innovative. Boredom is guaranteed not to come here. Scrambled eggs are made with apricots, cauliflower turns into burger, and waffles are made from sweet potatoes for a change.

Unadulterated food instead of convenience bags

The ingredients are then also simple and down-to-earth and what can be described as healthy and unprocessed in the best sense. Because the head doctor of the Lanserhof pursues also a second goal: "With this book I want to show that anyone can cook healthy food fast, if he uses genuine food and dispenses with E numbers, additives and bad fats." Cooking was for our grandparents normal everyday life, it should be like this again so we could all, especially our children, learn how essential are simple, unaltered food for our lives.This book will help avoid that out of sheer lack of time to convenience bag instead to unadulterated food attacks. "

Because if it happens so fast: Why should you then resort to ready-made pizza and 5-minute terrine? And part of the time gained should then be invested in good chewing and conscious enjoyment. What you start with the rest is of course entirely up to you ...

The book "The 50 Healthiest 10 Minute Recipes", which was published in June 2016 by Becker Joest Volk Verlag, can be ordered from Amazon.


Enjoyment, Cooking, Quick Recipes, 10 minutes, recipes, easy, fast, cooking, snack