Why can I bear my own sweat, but not strangers?

It is the most normal in the world. By sweating the body regulates its temperature. Initially, only sweat and salts are eliminated from the sweat glands, which are completely odorless. The bacteria in the underarms, however, then cause odor. How exactly we smell, determine the genes. But also our diet. The clothes also play a big role. The smell of sweat is very clear: Synthetic beats cotton? Coffee, alcohol and cigarettes are also negative promoters of unpleasant body odors. Hot spices bring us into hot flashes, as well as stress. Sage, fenugreek, cold shower channels and various other anti-sweat prescriptions are tried by Vielschwitzern, deodorants and antiperspirants usually on top.

Every armpit sweat odor is different. And: Everybody smells different intensively. At least 120 chemical compounds compose the individual body odor.

Of course, the smell of sweat also has an evolutionary purpose: people can apparently sniff out the immune system of a potential partner in order to achieve the best protection against pathogens for the offspring. Researches have found that we can detect a man's sweat at his approximate age. Also diseases such as metabolic disorders, liver diseases or tumors change the sweat composition.

Why is the sweat of others disgusting us?

We have become so used to our own body odor that we barely notice it. If we smell sweat in our fellow human beings, it disturbs us sometimes massively. Why? In fact, sympathy plays a big role. Logical: We do not like someone, we can not bear his smell. Or is it the other way around? Decides our nose even before we have met him, whether we like someone or not? For example, studies show that we often reject partners who have similar odor profiles. Reason: You could not produce a new offspring with us, because the genes are very similar. Incidentally, this is also the reason why one often dislikes the body odors of relatives of the opposite sex. Even if our brain has decided on the first impression (to which the sense of smell has contributed a not inconsiderable part), long-term sympathy and antipathy decide whether or not we tolerate the odor of sweat of the other.

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Sweat, body odor