Which language to learn: 7 popular foreign languages!

Which language to learn: 7 useful foreign languages

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Spanish
  4. German
  5. Mandarin
  6. Japanese
  7. Italian

Which language to learn: The 10 most spoken languages

How strong is the language? If you care about learning a language that is mastered in many countries or by many people, then the following countries are your favorites:

  • Mandarin
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Bengalese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • lahnda

Alone Mandarin (Chinese) is from over a billion people spoken. However, the language outside of China has no great relevance. So if you want to travel to China and live there or business contacts make a knack, then you should definitely learn Mandarin.

However, if you are looking for a language that is in applicable to many countries of the world is, then you should rather for English or Spanish decide. Which language is particularly popular in 50 years is hard to predict now. Therefore, it is important that you go after what you are now for one motivation have.

Which language to learn: 3 practical tips

  • Geographical proximity: Learning a language without having a connection to the country is certainly more difficult than having the motivation to travel to the country soon. This means that with Italian or Spanish you have languages ​​at your fingertips that you can use during a weekend trip to the country. In Arabic or Hindi this is much more difficult.
  • A good way to start ? look for people in your area who come from the land you are looking for. A language tandem is a great way to immerse yourself in the foreign culture.
  • Structure of the language: Russian, for example, is a foreign language that works with its own characters (Cyrillic alphabet). Getting started will probably be harder for you than learning Spanish. Maybe you are only interested in speaking and the spellings do not interest you at all? Or you are looking specifically for a language with complex characters (for example Mandarin)? How fast do people speak the words of a language? Depending on your interest, you can choose the foreign language suitable for you.

Which language to learn: What do the 7 most popular languages ​​offer me?


  • Global world language
  • A must for the career
  • Easy to learn (movies, music etc. available everywhere)


  • Language is dominated by more than 220 million people in 29 countries
  • Mainly in Western Europe (France, Belgium) and Africa
  • Official language of many international organizations (UN, NATO, UNESCO, FIFA, WHO) and one of the official languages ​​of the EU
  • Language of designer fashion
  • France leader in the pharmaceutical and telecommunications sectors. Also strong in aerospace and energy.


  • Spoken by over 300 million people
  • Most spoken language in the world after English
  • In the US behind English most popular language
  • Of great importance in the social and medical context


  • More than 100 million people speak German in Europe
  • Germany has a strong economy and many global companies
  • In the field of philosophy and technology, German is of great relevance


  • Mother tongue of most people worldwide
  • Apart from China, it is also spoken in other Asian countries such as Indonesia, Hong Kong or Malaysia
  • China is a global economic power and home to many Western companies
  • Most important trading partner for German imports


  • Leader in fashion, music or art
  • One of the most popular travel destinations
  • Germany is Italy's most important trading partner


  • Leader in consumer electronics and the automotive industry
  • Important trading partner for Germany

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Videotipp: Other people convince: 3 simple tricks

The 7 most useful languages to learn in 2019 (apart from English) (May 2024).

Foreign language, stay abroad