Weight Loss: The best stopping tips

1. Motivated guaranteed

Occasionally get into one of your old XXL pants.

2. Reward builds up

Give yourself something for every kilo you have made, such as flowers, cinema or a visit to the beautician.

3. Works wonders

Put "hard times" photos in the fridge and sweets - so you can resist any temptation.

4. Inspires

After weighing, enter your weight into a fever curve - then you will have written information about how it goes downhill.

5. Turns off

Before you eat out of boredom, you better go with an exciting thriller in the bathtub.

6. Search allies

Share your experiences with others who are losing weight, for example in our diet forum.

7. Install inspection

Tell families and friends that you are dieting so that everyone will support you and not serve you your favorite food.

8. Fed is full

Immediately remove the leftovers after eating. If you make yourself comfortable in front of half full pots, you can access again.

9. Get busy

Run up and down stairs several times - exercise slows down food cravings.

10. Dessert allowed

In the restaurant you order fruit ice - that is sweet and low in fat at the same time. Since it may like to be a ball more.

6 simple ways to lose a little weight (May 2024).

Persistence Tip, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, diet