Uncovered! This sense has the female orgasm

Men almost always come to orgasm during sex. Do they also have to biologically to reproduce. Although we can also get pregnant from her love droplets, the chance of ejaculation is much higher.

Quite different with women: Even if scientists repeatedly ask the question of whether an orgasm increases the chance of pregnancy, he is actually not necessary for the fertilization of the egg. The question is, what is the purpose of the female climax?

Our female ancestors needed the orgasm

US researchers at Yale University have come up with a new hypothesis: female orgasm is a relic from the past. For our ancestors he was indeed necessary to produce an ovulation.

But from the beginning: Even today, there are animals in which the ovulation is not based on a cycle, but on sex. In certain mammals such as ferrets, rabbits or cats are produced during sexual intercourse and especially during orgasm hormones that cause ovulation.

The researchers now assume that primates and rodents had the same ancestors millions of years ago - in primates, the orgasm has only become "superfluous" at some point, because the female cycle has developed.

Sounds quite plausible. We can only hope that this "relic" will never be lost. Where else would the fun be?

Women's Sexuality Isn't 'Complicated' | Sarah Barmak | TEDxToronto (May 2024).
