Tucked back uterus: What is retroflexio uteri?

Of course, it does not surprise us that our female body is a single miracle. Nevertheless, everything was taboo below the belt for a long time. And I dare to say that there are still many women out there today who have no idea what exactly happens in the period, how the pill works or what the difference between vulva and vagina is. That's why we clarify. Today in the program: The tilted back uterus.

Our uterus in hard facts:

  • It is about seven to ten inches long and four to five inches wide
  • but during pregnancy it becomes much bigger
  • it is pear-shaped
  • she is very flexible and elastic
  • In 90 percent of women, it is tilted forward, providing ideal conditions for pregnancy
  • However, ten percent of women have a back-tilted uterus? a retroflexion uteri.

Retroflexio Uteri: What exactly is that?

A retroflexio uteri does not lean forward as usual to the abdominal wall but towards the back of the sacrum. As long as this tilted back uterus but while mobile, so mobile, the inclination is simply seen as a variant of the normal situation, which causes only very rarely complaints.

Getting pregnant with retroflexion uteri? Is that possible?

If the uterus is mobile despite the inclination, it is usually easy to get pregnant during pregnancy. It used to be thought that the position would make it difficult for sperm to make their way to the egg. but the assumption is now refuted. A tilted uterus has no effect on fertility, cycle, conception and pregnancy.

A backward tilted uterus causes problems when it is fused with the peritoneum due to inflammation or endometriosis. A so-called fixed retroflected uterus is immobile and can not straighten up even during pregnancy, which may well have an effect on conception.

Symptoms that indicate a frozen uterus:

  • low back pain
  • chronic pelvic pain
  • period pain
  • constipation
  • Pain during intercourse

Most women who have a back-tilted uterus do not know that. And as long as there are no problems, they do not have to.

Caesarean Section: Closing the uterine incision (May 2024).
