Toupieren: Hair up!

What exactly happens during Toupieren?

The surface of the hair looks like a pine cone under a microscope: It consists of countless Keratinschüppchen, which are more or less firmly on top of each other. When Toupieren the hair with a Toupier brush (rarely: with a comb or the spread fingers) pushed against the direction of growth, causing the scales of each hair caught: So holds the hair.

Comb or brush?

Brush! With her short, firmly bound head, she is very effective when pushing down hair - and this makes it easier for beginners to try it out. By no means cheap cast combs or trendy colorful aluminum take: The sharp edges can slit the hair downright.

The right technique

Hold a strand of hair at the top, push the Toupier brush into the hair a few inches above the hairline and pull it down towards the direction of growth. Repeat several times until the hair seems a bit tatty. Divide the next strand and repeat the whole, work your way up from the bottom to the top hair. The top coat itself (ie the strands that are at the top) not toup, but easily comb smoothly over the artwork. Fix with hairspray or varnish, keeping a minimum distance of about twenty centimeters.

How do you get the Toupier look out again?

Gently comb with a brush. Starting at the tips, go over to the lengths, then unravel the approach. If a lot of hair lacquer was involved, bath your hair carefully in lukewarm water and massage in a special detangling shampoo, rinse and conditioner. Do not rub dry, this will stress the hair unnecessarily.

D rather not!

... to toup blond hair. The hair is too stressed and can break off. Never toast the lengths and tops. Because the hair is affected by the sun, blow-dry and hair elastics.

Toupieren expert interview

Three questions to hairdresser Stefan Schilling from the Hamburg salon "Capillus".

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Can I toast every day?

Stefan Schilling: No way! Toupieren should be a technique for special occasions. It damages the hair permanently, even if it is done so correctly.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Can any hair beupup?

Stefan Schilling: Yes. Only it is not always good. For example, fine hair or graded hair is ideal because the hair weighs less. Very smooth and at the same time strong hair, however, hangs faster. Here, a fester should be kneaded beforehand.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How do I go about touring the whole head à la Jackie Onassis?

Stefan Schilling: To make it even, go to the barber. Or ask a friend for help. The then pulls a middle parting, divides the hair in four areas - two left and right front, two at the back of the head - and then stuck. Now only one area to solve and separate from below a narrow strand to Toupieren, the rest stuck again. Then remove the next strand with the finger or the handle of the brush, comb and toupieren - and so on. Quarter by quarter.

Mad Men: Sixties-Zopf - richtig toupieren (May 2024).

Toupieren, Trendfrisur, dandruff, toupieren, hair care, comb, brush, technology, proceed, strands, hairspry, lacquer