The best diet recipes

Almost 1000 users participated in the vote for the best dietary court. A big thank you for that. The result:

Noodles are unbeatable. And in this tasty combination with zucchini and white beans even more right. The dish is ready in 20 minutes and has only 385 calories - you need more reasons why Penne with roasted zucchini landed in first place, with 28 percent of the vote and a long distance to the next ranked?

Still, 12 percent of the participants have their vote in the second-placed court, Salmon on colorful millet, given. 3rd place conquered Lime and coconut rice with 10 percent of the vote.

You have not tried the dishes yet? You can do that now - the recipes can be found on this page. Here you can download the full Beauty Chroniques DuvasteMonde diet.

1st place: Penne with roasted zucchini

To the recipe

2nd place: salmon on colorful millet

To the recipe

3rd place: lime coconut rice

Lime and coconut rice

To the recipe

Winner recipes of earlier diets

You can find all recent diet-winning dishes here in the overview: Diet Recipes - Your Favorites

The winners

A voucher for the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach for a whole year (value: 99.90 Euro) wins: Karin Flesch

Get one Frosta package, consisting of five diets for the office:

Anne Goletz-Geissler Linda Langeheine Nicole Jarms Inge Borcherdt Ute Hockemeyer Jessica Jaeger Doris Borcherding Birgit Casper Barbara Dippel Astrid von Stackelberg

Whole30 Diet Creator Shares Her Easy Recipes and Cooking Tips (May 2024).