Pedagogue with brains

She can empathize with the world of children and adolescents and is almost a kind of "kids whisperer". In this way she discovers and experiences things that prevent students from learning well and having success at school.

Since 2006 Birgit Ebbert advises pupils and parents in their Learning Centers "The Learning Companion". She shares her advice in entertaining lectures or writes them in books for parents and children, teachers and educators.

It is hardly surprising that her motto of life is: "Only those who grow up and remain children are human". Incidentally, the saying is from Erich Kästner, about whom Birgit Ebbert wrote her doctoral thesis.

You can find out more about Birgit Ebbert's learning centers at and information on their books can be found at

In the weblog, Birgit Ebbert describes the tips she gives to pupils and parents and how she prepares the tips and experiences in her books and learning tips.

Click here for the blog.

Kindergarten rules (May 2024).

Head, child mind, school, kid, education, weblog