Peanut butter healthy? That's why we let them taste right.

For a long time I did not understand why the Americans peanut butter everywhere lubricate underneath. My first time with the paintable nut was really disappointing. I thought, quite naive, that peanut butter was sweet? So right, just like chocolate cream. After realizing that this is unfortunately not the case, I have once again banned the alternative butter from my diet. Until one day I combined peanut butter with chocolate. Since then it has happened to me.But even though I assumed that peanut butter is something unhealthy like chocolate spread, I had the faintest hope that peanut butter might be minimally healthy, I could just hide all the bad aspects and let me taste the awesome stuff when I always want. And lo and behold, Google did not disappoint me: peanut butter is healthy!

Get rid of the carrot, now spoon it! Ladies!

That's why we now enjoy peanut butter

1. Fitters: Proteins, Potassium, Fiber and Co.

Protein, Fiber, Zinc, Potassium, Antioxidants, Magnesium: All this is found in peanut butter. Ingredients that strengthen your bones, do your muscles good and strengthen your immune system. A serving of peanut butter gives you at least three milligrams of antioxidant vitamin E. It also contains magnesium (about 49g), which is very important for bone building and muscle recovery.

Two spoons of peanut butter you can calm down on your bread every morning or just have a good snack. They then contain about seven grams of proteins, which in turn benefit your astral body. Also as an in-between snack, the stuff is ideally suited and of course much better for you, as bad chocolate. The station wagon is also highly recommended ... hmmm!

2. Fat does not make you fat right away

Peanut BUTTER sounds so mean to hip gold. BUT: Peanut butter contains mainly gaaaaannnnzzz many healthy, unsaturated fatty acids, much more than saturated. In addition to olive oil or avocado, peanut butter is one of the fatty foods that you should treat yourself. Because those are those fats good for your brain and make sure you feel good! So the circle closes and we open the glass.

3. Good for your heart and for heartbreak

The many unsaturated fatty acids are not only good for your head, but also for your heart. In healthy quantities, peanut butter increases yoursheart HealthEspecially when compared to those who do not eat nuts or nibble on them very seldom.

at Heartache helps peanut butter by the way, too. In the form of chocolates, ice cream, chocolate ... Sometimes priorities shift.

4. Take off well with peanut butter

Sounds good after all the best diet in the world or? Peanut butter is the reason why best weight loss snack, because it makes you full for a long time because of the proteins and fiber. Here's the good stuff, away with junk food!

5. Peanut butter healthy? Full nut power ahead!

Proteins and fat are best energy suppliers and help you ever from a low. So always have a glass of peanut butter in the drawer.

Peanut butter is not the same as peanut butter

Unfortunately, not all of these great features apply to any commercial peanut butter. You should pay attention to this when shopping:

  • Peanut butter should natural his. Otherwise, overly unhealthy fats and other artificial additives are often included.
  • Pay attention to the purchase of peanut butter on the used ingredients, The percentage of peanuts should be at least 70 percent, trans fatty acids, preservatives and sugar should best not be on the list of ingredients.
  • Even better Peanut cream or peanut cream, Unlike peanut butter, peanut cream is always produced one-hundred percent from aromatic legumes.
  • If you like, you can also use peanut butter or peanut cream self made, Just add peanuts with some peanut oil and a little salt in the mixes and mix vigorously. Done and completely natural.

Even if the much sought-after butter has many benefits, one Kalorienbombe unfortunately she stays anyway. So a glass per day is not in it, but with the 2-3 spoons it can be quiet sometimes with sugar. If you do not want that, peanut butter is also pure and delicious Health food store or the health food store.

AVOID These 2 Types Of Peanut Butter (You're At Risk Of Belly Fat & Fatal Disease) (May 2024).

Mason jar, chocolate cream