New York Report

Karin Grobelnik has been living in the USA for more than six years now, with a 4-year break in Dusseldorf, which came to an end with the lottery win of a green card. An internal transfer in the company was quickly arangiert, and so in the summer of 2005, she packed everything in boxes and suitcases and moved to New Jersey, where she met her German friend in 2006.

When a change of company also involved a change of scene, they decided to take the opportunity and live in the city of cities: New York!

In her weblog, the 34-year-old reports on the wonderfully varied, always exciting, sometimes exhausting and strange life in the Big Apple.

Click here for the blog.

1974 SPECIAL REPORT: NEW YORK, NEW YORK... In Praise of New York City!! (May 2024).

New York, USA, singularity, Dusseldorf