Never again yo-yo effect? with these 4 tips!

Many diets propagate large weight loss successes in no time. However, the fact is that very few diets end up without a yo-yo effect, because they do not result in a change in diet. In order to escape the ups and downs on the scales, we have put together four effective tips to keep the weight permanently.

1. Slowly lose weight

Instead of putting on crash diets, you should better choose a weight loss model, which is about long-term success. For example, with the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet, you can lose weight slowly and without much sacrifice. More than two kilos of weight loss should not be in the month so as not to compete with the yo-yo effect. Also pay attention to your calorie intake? If it slips below 1,200 calories per day, your metabolism goes down and burns fewer calories.

2. Increase basal metabolic rate

Who raises his basal metabolic rate, can also eat a bit more? and that, without adding weight. Why it is like that? Because the metabolism is on tour rather than in sleep mode, and so calories are constantly burned. You want to boost your metabolism? Then there is only one important instrument: movement! After all, those who move build up muscles that burn fat and glucose even when they are at rest.

3. Delete empty calories from the diet

You want to have lasting success in losing weight? without a yo-yo effect? Then, "empty" calories will also be wiped off the diet program of your diet. So-called zero calories are, for example, in white bread, soft drinks or alcohol. Good alternatives are whole grains that generally last longer. You should simply replace soft drinks with water and unsweetened tea. By the way: Also in terms of alcohol, there are the calorie-poorer variants, which are not too "significant".

4. Put on egg whites

Protein-rich foods are the alpha and omega if you want to succeed in losing weight long term. Because: In a diet not only fat, but often muscles are broken down. To minimize this degradation, you should take daily proteins that promote muscle growth and calorie consumption. In addition, protein helps regulate your appetite and reduce cravings.

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Counselor, losing weight