My new spring figure - evaluation

Fitness type 1: the sensitive

You have to motivate yourself after the winter months. Main goal: Turn off winter mode, strengthen muscles

The exercises

1. Stay in the river This is how it works: Shoulder wide stand, hands crossed over chest. Deep lunge to the right, stretch left leg. Returning to the starting position, crossing the right foot half a meter behind the left, weight remains on the front foot. Both knees bend. Back to starting position, change leg. 10-20 repetitions each time, 3 times.

2. Do the wave This is how it works: In the quadruped stand, pull belly button inwards. Shift weight to your hands, lift your knees, push your butt up, put on tiptoe and almost stretch your legs. Make your back round, look at your feet. Hold briefly, then lower your knees to just above the ground, hold briefly, lift your butt again. 10-20 repetitions, 3 times.

3. Build a bridge This is how it works: Prone position, forearms propped up, hands crossed, looking down. Set foot tips and remove the stretched body from the floor. Lift your left foot and guide your knees sideways towards the head with your toe on, look to your knee. Do not let knees hang down. Stop short, turn off the foot again. On each side 5-15 repetitions, 3 times.

4. Flood and low tide This is how it works:Lie supine legs up, hands on knees. Roll up your upper body and push your hands towards your feet. Pull right leg straight to the body, push hands to the foot and lower left leg. Then lower right leg until both legs are just above the ground. Then stretch left leg up, push both hands up. Per side 8-15 repetitions, 3 times.

14-day training plan: every 2nd day: Your four exercises (2 times a week for your main element, 1 time a week for the second most common element).

2 times a week: Jogging (at least 30 minutes in the first week, 35 minutes in the second week). 1 time a week: The endurance unit for your second most frequent item (at least 30 minutes).

Your Stamina Training - Jogging from the source to the lake

Start at the source: Slowly warm warm, breathing through the nose, looking for the rhythm - like a spring making its way. Duration: 5-10 minutes. Jump like a brook:Now the running rhythm is jumping, the footprint more intense. Take small obstacles with a jump or in the slalom course, for variety provides the uneven roadside. Duration: 5 minutes. To be in the river: The pace is faster, the breathing deeper. Find your own running rhythm. Duration: At least 15 minutes. Arrive at the lake: Reduce the tempo, shorten steps and lighten it up. Running rhythm and breathing slow down like the small waves on a lake. Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Sport that suits you too:Dancing, aerobics, triathlon, swimming, aqua gym, rowing, surfing, tennis

The workout for fitness type 2: the dynamic

They love to exercise, but sometimes they lack the balancing moment. Their goal: exercises that also strengthen the balance

The exercises

1. Four cardinal directions This is how it works: Raise arms sideways when standing. Stretch one leg backwards with the foot on, tilt the upper body forward. Slowly move your arms like wings - inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering. Then place the heel at right angles to the leg. With a quarter turn, raise the previous leg. In all four directions. 5-10 times.

2. Float in the middle That's how it works: Sit up with your feet in your seat, hands in the back of your knees. Lean upper body upright. Raise lower leg horizontally, extend arms to the side, palms down. Slowly turn upper body to one side. Hold briefly, back to the middle, then turn to the other side. 5-10 reps per side, 3 times.

3. Rocking up and down This is how it works: Place four markers (eg balls) in a semicircle on the floor. Put in the middle, right foot touches the first mark, right arm stretches upwards. Then bend the upper body forward, touch the marking with the right hand, lead the right foot backwards, do not set it down. Erect without momentum. 3 times per mark, page change.

4. Bee breathing This is how it works: In relaxed sitting put hands on your knees. Breathe calmly and deeply. Whisper gently while exhaling. Relax your mouth, feel the vibration of your lips. Then inhale the air vigorously through the nose. At the end, trace the buzz. Duration: 5-10 minutes.

14-day training plan: every 2nd day: The four exercises (2 times a week for your main element, 1 time a week for the second most common element).

2 times a week: Trail running (1st week at least 30 minutes, 2nd week 35 minutes). 1 time a week: The endurance exercise for the second most frequent element (at least 30 minutes). Emergency exercises for stressful days Bee breathing (see above) - can be used at any time.

Your endurance training - trail running - obstacle course with lots of lane changes

That's how it's done: Leave paved roads on the left - search for soft natural soils and bumpy trails. You can do what is different: cut short over meadows, jump over obstacles, race up mountains, curve around bushes in slalom, balance on a tree trunk or walk through mud and sand. Running time: At least 30 minutes.

Sport that suits you too:Volleyball, basketball, football, athletics, boxing, martial arts, climbing, squash, fun and adventure sports

The workout for fitness type 3: the persistent

You have enough grip, but sometimes it feels like getting stuck. Goal: new life energy, more momentum, pace

The exercises

1. Rope Skipping for Power and Endurance That's how it works: First jump warm: The feet are hip-wide, with both legs as close as possible to jump over the rope. Then jump to the right and left. Always bend your knees slightly, only on your foot - bale. At least 2 minutes.

2. Scissors This is how it works: Arm swing grow larger and land in the step position, with each jump is the other leg forward. Also go to the side: Land alternately in a light straddle and with your feet closed. At least 2 minutes.

3. Knee Kick That's how it works: Then pull up one knee and jump on one leg. After 5-10 jumps change sides. At least 2 minutes.

4. Cross Move That's how it works: Finally, when swinging the rope, cross your arms in front of your upper body. Alternative: Swing the rope twice during a hopping. At least 2 minutes.

14-day training plan: every 2nd day: The four exercises (2 times a week for your main element, 1 time a week for the second most common element).

2 times a week: Temporadeln (1st week at least 40 minutes, 2nd week 45 minutes). 1 time a week: The endurance exercise of your second most frequent element (at least 30 minutes).

Your endurance training - making speed on the bike - also suitable for the ergometer

heat up Begin with 10 minutes of easy cycling on flat track. Low gear, 70 to 90 revolutions per minute.

Ignite Then upshift, increase cadence to 90 to 110 revs and pace. Minimum: 10 minutes.

Burning Now the legs are allowed to burn. But you should trample up hills, possibly go into the saddle: bring Po of the saddle and body weight on the stretched legs, each on the handlebars pull on which the body weight is. Alternative: Cycling for 2 minutes alternately fast and easy. Minimum: 10 minutes. Cool down: Finally, reduce the tempo gradually, cycling for 10 minutes.

Sport that suits you too:Strength training, gymnastics, gymnastics, pilates, skating, hiking, table tennis

The workout for fitness type 4: the flexible

There is no lack of motivation, but there is always something in between, because they are buzzing from one idea to another. Objective: To gain traction through special strengthening and to strengthen the attacked immune system

The exercises

1. Feel the earth This is how it works: Pushup position. Push pelvis up, stretch arms, walk with your feet towards your hands. Detach one arm from the ground, hold for 1-2 seconds, put down, repeat with the other. Then with your feet still closer to your hands, then with your hands forward in the push-up position wander. 10-15 repetitions, 3 times.

2. Rooting roots This is how it works: Spread toes while standing, shifting weight to the right foot. Imagine how your foot takes root. Support right hand in the hip. Pull left knee to the stomach and grab toes. Leg stretched forward. Stretch right arm up. Hold for 5-10 breaths, then change side, 3 times.

3. Finding a stop This is how it works: When standing, spread your toes, place your left lower leg just above your right knee on your thigh, your left knee points to the side. Crouch as if you wanted to sit on a chair - form a straight line from head to butt. Open arms to the sides. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths, then change sides, 3 times.

4. Breathing through the skin This is how it works: Sit cross-legged up the torso, close your eyes and feel the deep breath in your stomach. Imagine breathing with your entire skin surface. Inhaling draw belly and tighten pelvic floor, relax with exhalation. With each exhalation spent air and bad energy. 5-10 minutes.

14-day training plan: every 2nd day: Complete the four exercises (2 times a week for your main element, 1 time a week for the second most common element).

2 times a week: Breathwalk (27 minutes, eg on the way home from the office). 1 time a week: The endurance unit for your second most popular item. Your emergency exercise for stressful days: Skin breathing (see above) - can be used at any time.

Your endurance training - Breathwalk: Meditation in motion - for energy and relaxation

That's how it's doneThe breathing rhythm determines the pace, which is much slower compared to normal walking. Take a step with every breath. Exhale the first four steps with small pauses while breathing in, with the next four steps in the same rhythm. Then, in thought, say a mantra, "Sa, Ta, Na, Ma". At "Sa" the tip of the thumb touches the index finger tip, at "Ta" the tip of the middle finger, at "Na" the ring finger tip and at "Ma" the tip of the little finger. Each step is associated with a breath, a finger touch, and a mantra syllable. 3 minutes breath walk, 5 minutes normal walk, 5 minutes breath walk, 3 minutes walk, 10 minutes breath walk, 1 minute walk.

Sport that suits you too:Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, Walking, Cycling, Badminton, Golf, Sailing

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