My cat is crazy!

"My cat I'm sitting next to me every morning as I wash my eyelashes, waiting for the cotton swab I use to correct my work. There is no escape for me. Woe, I'm holding it out to him. He will always hop for the part, if I keep it to him, that's his morning sport. "(Moon sheep)

"My first dog has learned to make friends with the house cat. Together, the two kitchen cabinets have leveraged. With her dainty paw, she opened the door a little bit. Dog beside her finally stuck his thick snout into this gap and pushed the door open. So they came to the dry food jackpot. And even then they agreed on the distribution: Cat had fun with the dog food, dog with the brekkies. "(Wildebeest)

"Madame Hund likes to creep secretly on the bright red Bigsofa - and gives acting on Oscar level the completely verpennten dog on the dog cushion, which is probably visited in the monkey tooth, as soon as the front door goes, while the deep, white hairy couch on the sofa still has body temperature. But she knows that you can only scold dogs if you catch them in red, right ?! "(Wednesday)

"My cat was devotedly playing with an old lambskin remnant, which did not dissolve into anything at all, so as a good cat mom, I bought new real sheepskin scraps, sat in hours of work, and sewed balls and mice, all in the finest hand-work with the tiniest stitches (me, which otherwise gives away everything that needs to be sewn). Then I decorated the cat tree with it. And what does the manure creature do? He sits moaning in front of the scratching post and refuses to even climb it. It was not until I put away the lambskins that she made herself comfortable using it again. And it stayed that way, lambskin toys on the cat tree = motzende cat. "(Blanka)

"I once had a hangover, who used to hide crickets in the bedroom in the summer, catching them alive, carrying them into the house and hiding them in the closet at night." At night, the crickets squeaked us so much that we hunted, of course he found it superclass to watch us chase the crickets. He also knew how to best stock up for bad times: Steal bread from the fridge and hide behind the sofa. During the spring cleaning we found many empty packs there. , , "(Wildebeest)

"My dog ​​has a new quirk and I have a bruise on my face: I bought him a Kong (a plastic ball that you fill with food, which gradually falls out when the dog plays with it), because the Lord is his Feed should work a little bit. , , Yesterday and today I could sleep a little longer than usual, and what happens? The dog throws the Kong into my bed. This morning he has hit directly on the cheekbone, which is now blooming in a nice violet blue. "(Alissa 67)

"My cat, 7, drinks from the beginning only from the tap in the bathtub. Whenever he is thirsty, he loudly calls to me sitting in front of the bathroom door, so I set the tap on 'trickle'. Then there is still some persuasion - so in the way: 'Now hopp, you're already big, you can do that', he asks for extensive pats, and then he dives daring into the tub. "(Theophanu)

"My son had a Maine Coon - a magnificent tomcat, Groucho was his name. He sat down on the engine of the knocker of Vorwerk vacuum cleaner and let himself drive through the apartment. He came on, as soon as the vacuum cleaner was started, but only when the knocking attachment was on, that's what he heard. "(Quidam)

When our mini pig dumplings was still a tender piglet, I got him in the evening in the house and he was allowed to sleep in the bathroom. He also cuddled up quickly in his basket, grunted me a friendly "good night" and disappeared under his blanket, mostly. But on a Saturday, early at 4, I became awakened by a shrill very loud sound. I started, could not explain the sound, and jumped out of bed. My dog, who for safety's sake slept in the bedroom, rushed excitedly down the stairs with me. The sound got shriller, higher, louder. Dumplings !! But what could have happened to him in the bathroom? He was not in the basket - but before that lay my son's jeans, bulging !!! Dumplings had their own ideas of cuddly sleeping arrangements and took everything that was available to make his nest more comfortable. So often everything that was not hanging high enough or could be tilted ended up in his nest. And in pants, swine can also crawl in, or rather, just crawl. Only he could not know that pant legs are getting tighter down. So he stuck like a pressed sausage in the trouser leg and screamed and screamed. There was no tail to pull or shake, dumplings stuck. With a knife, I quickly cut the leg of the trouser, dumpling climbed out and calmed down again, shaking briefly, chugging a bit of water and disappearing back with a grunt in his towel-filled basket. For me, the night was over, my blood pressure just before the sound barrier, dumplings happy again and my son got a new pair of jeans. (Pinkizem)

Our cat Onde took care of our post. We had two offices, the cat was sleeping in my husband's basket, in my exit basket. We had a habit of writing A 5 todo notes and laying them on the desk. That was over when the cat was hired. The fact grabbed namely every lying piece of paper and dragged him. We found notes in the compost heap, in the litter box, on the coffee table or dining room table one floor up, in our bed. And always with a punch hole of the canine. Until we found out, we mutually suspected amnesia. So she taught us order. (Quidam)

A cat crosses our garden at night, every night at the same time. Sun at 1:40 clock. This upsets our poor dog beyond measure. Because This tomcat always heads with great certainty for the dog's bone coverts (you could always see that with all the snow). Dog barks his soul out of the body, I stand upright in bed, can not discover a burglar, dog wants unconditionally and immediately and on the spot in the garden. No, do not hunt the hangover, just make sure that the curious cat has not stolen his bone ... This action is then always at 1:55 clock to end. Hundi falls exhausted into his basket and snores on, and I'm wide awake. (Wildebeest)

Our cat has the stupid habit that he only after our permission begins to eat. It's not a problem during the week, so I get up early enough. At the weekend, then sometime comes the Gemaunze, which signals: "I'm hungry!". Whoever gets up is usually a little bit unnerved, because the little guy actually has a lot of ready-to-eat dry food. He only wants permission to eat it. What he does then. After that we can continue to sleep. (Lili73)

My Cat is Crazy (May 2024).

Cat, pet, eyelash, vacuum cleaner, kong, hangover, pet, cat