Holiday blues? So you save the recovery in everyday life Do I have to consider something during the vacation planning, so that I can recover well during the holidays?

Bernhard Juchniewicz: The most important questions should be: Is this really my vacation destination? Or will I - as in the job - be determined differently? Do I feel the need for withdrawal or for new contacts? Do I want stimulation or just rest? The answer may be typeache or depend on the current situation. If possible, plan a trip that you think will really do you good. Unfortunately, this is not self-evident.

Bernhard Juchniewicz is coach and president of the European Coaching Association (ECA). He has u.a. specializing in burnout and workaholic prevention. Can I do something right before leaving?

Use your last working days to plan your absence. Thoughts such as "I can do that on vacation" are an indication that you are not adequately delegating. And treat yourself to two buff days before departure, where you pack your bags and make final preparations. This takes the stress out of the transition from job to vacation.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How can I switch off on holiday?

A key to recovery is the smartphone? switch it off as possible! Maybe you can leave the phone number of the hotel in the company and with the family for emergencies. The hurdle of calling a hotel is so high that only people with serious concerns - and you are on holiday - will be in touch.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How do I manage not only to recover, but also to recharge my batteries?

The changeover from being part of the job to self-determined leisure time is perhaps the biggest challenge on holiday. You should consciously decide how deep the beach tan has to be, how many peaks you can climb and how many buildings you want to visit. Take care of your body and your senses, you are the expert for your well-being.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: And how do I save the recovery after the holiday in the daily work?

Take advantage of your fresh, unruffled look and change bad habits that have crept in the job. For example, you can start polling emails only periodically, avoiding multitasking, and banishing annoyances from your environment. Set the first working day after the holiday on Wednesday or Thursday, then you have the prospect of a soon-to-be weekend.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Otherwise threatens the "Post-Holiday Syndrome"?

Many of us lose our drive when we return to work from vacation. The post-holiday syndrome can mean that we did not plan our absence well before the holidays and are therefore faced with a huge amount of work - up to the big question of why we do this job and whether he is the right one. If the syndrome does not resolve itself after one week, you should seek help from a professional interlocutor.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: What can I do, so that I have less stress in everyday life in the long term?

Many people become aware of their exhaustion, their lack of energy and their tension in a relaxing phase. However, as a return to work is inevitable, are thoughts of excessive demands often skillfully trivialized? with the result that it can eventually come to collapse. There is only one thing to do: take care of your needs as you do during the holidays and listen to the signals of your body. You should also try to integrate time-outs into your everyday life. We have 1440 minutes daily available and of that we can easily invest one to four percent in our happiness. Take time for reflection, relaxation, good conversation, closeness, partnership. It is worth it ..

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How do I make sense of my annual vacation? would you rather drive away for a few days or longer?

With several short breaks you have the advantage that you bypass the "Fremdeln" or Post-Holiday syndrome, because the distance to everyday life never gets too big. It is important that you - whether on short or long trips - develop mindfulness for yourself and do what is good for you. Draw your attention to healthy and fulfilling work and life content - this is the secret of a sovereign, vital and contented life.

TRAVEL ADVICE: Dealing With Post Travel Depression (May 2024).

Vacation, recreation