Helping together - with the "scarf for life"

Like Hamburg's First Mayor, Olaf Scholz, many people wear the "scarf for life" on December 10, in order to show solidarity with the children in the Syrian civil war and to draw attention to their fate.

The number of refugees has reached 51 million people worldwide, the highest since World War II. Alone in and around Syria are nearly 10 million people on the run, half of them children. ChroniquesDuVasteMonde and the children's rights organization Save the Children want to set a sign for the Syrian refugees on the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights with the campaign "A scarf for life".

141,334 euro donations were already collected with the "Scarf for Life" campaign, which was launched at the end of October. 17,714 scarves were knitted or bought. The money will benefit Syrian girls and boys, who will benefit Save the Children with food, water and medicine, provide psychological support and build safe play and learning venues.

You also want to support the work of Save the Children? Then you can help the refugee children by making a donation to Save the Children, for example. for the establishment of the so-called "Child Friendly Spaces" uses.

"We must not leave the Syrian children alone, they need a safe environment to handle their traumatic experiences, and donations are urgently needed to help the weakest victims of the war to find out where help is needed Together we set a sign of solidarity and hope, 'says ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Huber, editor-in-chief ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.

"In order to save their lives, the Syrian refugees have left everything behind and often fled under unimaginable conditions: those who reach neighboring countries are in a deplorable state." The children have often experienced fears before and during their flight that no child experiences With the action 'A scarf for life' we can give the children back a piece of hope and cause the world to look again, "says Kathrin Wieland, Managing Director Save the Children Germany.

What exactly should I do on December 10th?

Go with the "scarf for life" and the button to work, in the train, for shopping or in your favorite restaurant. Do it like our prominent supporters: Show that you do not want to forget the Syrian refugee children - and become part of a community that does good. Take a picture of yourself and your scarf. You can share the image with the hashtag #schalfuersleben on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or upload it on our site.

You think the scarf is beautiful and would like to knit? Instructions are here: Knit scarf

The ChroniquesDuVasteMonde employees also wear the "scarf for life".

© Jenny Jacoby

The #schalfuersleben on Instagram

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Rain in Hamburg = perfect weather to knit over a cup of tea. #schalfuersleben

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A Scarf for Life (May 2024).

Action day, Hamburg, civil war, Syria, knit, help, donate, charity, syria, scarf