Gender Pay Gap: More women in technology and science!

How more women are enthusiastic about MINT professions

How to do that, says Daniela Zimmermann, software developer at Deutsche Bahn's internal IT service provider DB Systel and founder of the women's network "Techettes":

"My aha moment as a woman in the tech industry was when I first attended a women's web development workshop in 2013. What I felt when I saw 50 women hacking codes into their keys, I'll never forget : So far, I've been mostly alone among men, now I was one of many, it was like coming from a foreign country after years in a foreign country!

The "Techettes" are to change the image of the industry

At that time, I understood that if we want to get women excited about technology, there have to be so many more such events. Together with other software developers I founded the "Techettes", a community in Frankfurt for women from the IT industry. With workshops and lectures by tech women in hip offices and clubs or theaters we want to change the image of the industry. Because tech is really something for everyone - and especially for everyone.

Any offer that already shows girls that they can do their own thing with it, I think so good. At "Girls Day", for example, I once worked with schoolgirls on a program that allowed them to vote for their favorite singers. Big enthusiasm! And I realized how happy they were to have a role model that showed them: you can do that too.

Software Developer: A dream job for mothers after parental leave

But we should also look at target groups that we did not think about before. One could offer "Boot Camps" especially for mothers who want to reorientate themselves during their parental leave. In an intensive course, they could learn a programming language, later become a junior software developer. The salary can be there usually fast increase, the career opportunities are great, home office and part-time no problem. In short: a dream job! "

Closing the Gender Gap in Engineering & Technology I Shell #makethefuture (May 2024).

Software, salary difference