Finally a workout that we like: Sofa Sport!

Mr. Bertram, sofa sports? Is not the term a contradiction in terms?

No. We're not couch potatos just sitting around watching TV or something. In the training lessons we do proper exercises.

For example?

Active sitting.

Sounds totally like couch potato.

But it can be exhausting if you make it conscious. Another exercise that we often do: the bamboo seat. Sit upright, put your legs firmly on the floor, stretch your arms upwards, then slowly move back and forth, occasionally sideways, like a bamboo stick that weighs in the wind. A relatively simple exercise that strengthens the core muscles.

Will not it be more strenuous?

For the abdominal muscles, we also have something in the program: Just put it backwards on the sofa, so that your back is where your butt is, and then you can do sit-ups. On our exercise equipment, the sofa, we do proper gymnastics and muscle training. We also incorporate some elements of the Chinese movement Qigong.

How long does a workout take?

We meet once a month for three to four hours in a Sofakneipe. Do not worry, we do not train all the time. After a good 20 minutes, we take the first break and talk because the social aspect is extremely important to us. If someone is ready for an exercise again, it continues.

Are you serious?

Of course, we are a registered sports club. Once you have convinced the club and the state sports federation, then that must be something right. Although they have trimmed first, but in the end it worked. We even have a trainer who knows about sports. She is an athlete and has a coaching license.

And there are really people who pay membership fees for it? although the sofa is free at home?

Currently we have 31 members from all over Germany. Many come from Berlin, a few from Bavaria, NRW or Lower Saxony. I have not met them all personally, but they pay membership fees. Costs one Euro per month. Some health insurance companies even refund the membership fee.

I beg your pardon?

No joke. Just ask the health insurance company. Some also offer a bonus program. If necessary, you get refunded if you are a member of a sports club.

My Home Gym UPGRADED & Home Decor New Sofa (May 2024).