Diet: This is how cats stay in shape

Of course mice would be ideal - as a whole with tendons, blood and bones. They contain everything that cats need for balanced nutrition. But most cats live on industrial feed. Your owners should pay attention to the composition of the food to avoid deficiencies: Vitamins and minerals are essential for cat's luck!

Make: It tastes good to the cat and is healthy

Feed the meat: Cats are carnivores. Take care when buying canned food on a high meat content. When you prepare the food for the cat, the basis is rice, vegetables, meat and fish.

Who is for a Raw Food the cat decides, for the so-called "Barfen" (BARF = Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding), should be intensively concerned with what nutrients the cat needs and how many minerals, vitamins and proteins in the food are included.

Big cats: If your cat is overweight, you can ration the food in consultation with your veterinarian or slowly add diet or water to your diet, but never put your cat on zero diet. This will not only be psychoterror for you and your cat, but also dangerous for the health of your pet: For energy, all fat is transported towards the liver, which can lead to liver failure.

reward: Cat treats often consist of yeast products, vitamin and mineral supplements or dried fish or meat - healthier are variations without preservatives! The market offers a sheer endless choice: from grated bonito to hearty quark bars to Parmesan rolls, which can also be played at the same time. Let the preference of your cat decide.

nutrient: Cats need essential amino and fatty acids and vitamins. All this is found in fresh fish and fresh liver - but be careful, raw liver should get the cat only in moderation. This also applies to other types of raw meat as it may contain pathogens. Warn against bacteria and parasites that could be transmitted through raw meat.

Feed fatty acids: Cold-pressed olive, linseed or wheat germ oil can be added to the cat food in small quantities once a week or salmon oil capsules (to reduce the risk of cancer) can be mixed from the pharmacy into the feed. This ensures the required intake of unsaturated fatty acids.

Small portions are ideal for cats, as they have a small stomach; If your cat has a habit of swallowing everything at once, you should distribute the portions rationed throughout the day. Clean the food bowl regularly with hot water.

Buy quality: Pay attention to high-quality processing with industrial feed: Usually in the cat food industry residues are processed, which are prepared with sugar and flavor enhancers. The quality of the food can be found in the list of ingredients: Meat as muscle meat should be the main part, the remaining ingredients are listed in detail.

Often in convenience food so-called "cereal residues" included. They consist of peanut shells and soya remainders, which contain many carbohydrates and can not be digested by the cat's short intestine. Therefore, choose feed that contains open-ended whole grain cereals and vegetables as an energy source.

room temperature: Never feed the canned food cold from the fridge, but the small cat's stomach is too sensitive - better is room temperature.

Always provide fresh water and the food bowl far from the litter box.

Separate feeding places: With several cats it is necessary to place the feeding places separately and out of sight of each other: Thus a calm and relaxed food intake of the Stubentiger is ensured and is not disturbed by feed nuisance attacks.

Let: What you prefer not to throw at your cat

leftovers: What's left on your table should not be fed to the cat: The leftovers are usually too spicy, too fatty and do not contain the minerals the cat needs.

Chocolate, biscuits and other pastries as treatNot only does chocolate make her cat grow on Garfield and can lead to diabetes, it also carries the risk of theobromine intoxication, a substance contained in cocoa that domestic cats lack an enzyme to exploit.

Dog Food: As carnivores, cats digest the best animal proteins and fats - starch and carbohydrates are poorly digestible for cats.Dog food contains more starch than cat food and is therefore not suitable for cats.

Unilateral feeding: Do not Give Meat To Your Domestic Cat! To prevent deficiencies in bone structure, always feed you vitamins. The same goes for raw fish!

give milk: Cats can not digest lactose, resulting in diarrhea. Dilute the milk with water or buy lactose-free milk.

Abrupt change of diet: Avoid too abrupt changes in the eating habits of your cat. Slowly mix the new food under the old one and change the food.

Only feed with dry food: Here there is a risk of urinary tract disease, as dry food does not get enough moisture. Be sure to pay attention to adequate water absorption. Ideal would be the combination with wet food (about 80% water content).

Hill's™ Science Plan™ Urinary Health for cats - UK & IRL (May 2024).

Cat, Diet, Slim, Food, Cat Nutrition, Cat Food, Cat