Diet: The answers to your questions!

Every week on this page we publish an interesting question from our online diet consultation. The answers are partly shortened. The entire diet consultation can be read in the community.

The expert team of the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet coaches who answered the diet questions.

Question 7: What helps against the yo-yo effect?

bilberry asks if it is true that the metabolism through diets permanently on the back burner and you therefore eat less and less. She wants to know from which calorie count the effect occurs and what one can do about it.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

It is true that you must be careful during a diet that you are not eating too little. Therefore, the recommendation for a diet for women is that it should be no less than 1200 kcal (in sports much more). If you eat too little in the long term, your consumption will be reduced, that is, the body will switch to a kind of saving mechanism. This is a protective mechanism that has ensured people's survival in times when food was not so abundant. If this mechanism of saving is used, even small amounts of food can cause the weight to not go down or even increase. The consequence is often that even less is eaten and so you are in a vicious circle. It is therefore NOT "the less the better", but too little can cause the opposite.

If you eat after such a "radical" diet then back to normal, then it is too much for the reduced consumption and very quickly, the pounds are back (yo-yo effect).

Also, keep in mind that you need to provide your body with vital nutrients to work well. For this you also need a certain amount of calories, because otherwise it can come in the long run to a poor supply situation.

In order to get the reduced metabolism going again, a little patience and the slow increase of the calorie amount is necessary. Support provides regular sports.

Question 6: Eating before and after exercise

"Blueberry" doing sports in the evening and wondering if it would be better not to eat anything afterwards to use the afterburning effect. And she wants to know if morning jogging on an empty stomach is really good for burning fat.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

Exercising early in the morning on an empty stomach can only torment you unnecessarily and require your body to perform at its best with little success. Your body has already spent most of its energy reserves overnight.

Even the advice "who does not eat for two hours after sport, decreases more firmly" you should not follow better. Although your metabolism is still elevated hours after training, you burn more calories during that time, but whether you eat or drink something does not change that. On the contrary: Starving after exercising unnecessarily slows down the recovery of muscle.

You should pay attention to the following:

  • Do not eat immediately before the sport. Take light digestible foods no later than one hour before. Then your body has enough time to process the food.
  • The last major pre-workout meal should have been two to three hours ago. With a full stomach, the body has to concentrate on its digestive work. In addition, the diaphragmatic breathing is obstructed. This reduces the athletic performance. It is beneficial if the meal is low in fat and high in carbohydrates.
  • After exercise, the body starts to recover. The fat metabolism is increased, it is called the "afterburning effect". Now you can enjoy dishes with a combination of carbohydrates and egg whites, such as pasta with turkey breast and salad, potato-egg-vegetable casserole, wholemeal bread with eggs and tomatoes, or cereal with milk and fruit.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Question 5: Eating vegetarian and diet

"Cream puff" does not eat meat. She is not sure if she is taking enough nutrients while losing weight and asks how she can best replace the meat.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

When you consume fish, milk / products and eggs, you generally do not have to worry about protein intake. A high quality vegetable protein source is soy. Otherwise, you can increase the protein quality by combining certain foods enormously. Well suited are, for example, cereals + legumes (lentil soup with bread), cereal + dairy product (cheese bread, muesli with yoghurt), potato + dairy product (potato casserole with grated cheese) or potato + egg (mashed potatoes with fried egg).

If you give up meat, the iron supply may suffer since this trace element is more readily available from animal sources than from plant sources. By combining with vitamin C, you can upgrade the iron from plant foods, suitable for example whole wheat bread together with paprika or tangerine.

Watch out for the consumption of iron-rich plant foods such as green leafy vegetables, soft fruit, legumes, whole grains and occasionally some dried fruit.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Question 4: Chocolate against boredom

"Da_princess07" want to lose weight. The problem is that when she gets bored she uses chocolate, but she does not have time for sports.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

To reduce the consumption of sweets, we recommend as a first step to keep a list, on which you note all the sweets of the day. Do not forget that it includes sweet drinks, such as lemonade, iced tea, etc., or sweet spreads. So, first of all, you will be able to visualize the entire amount that comes together over the course of the day, and this can possibly lead to a change. Tip: You can also check your candy consumption online with Sweetstopper.

As far as sport is concerned, we advise you to reach a concrete goal by the end of the month, which is also measurable. for example, walk or swim for 45 minutes per week. This is just an example and your goal may be smaller, because you should not be too overwhelmed, but initially overcome only the inner bastard. It's more about creating a sense of achievement that spurs you on to the next, maybe bigger, step in the sport.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Question 3: cravings for nibbling and sweets

"Brizi" gets cravings for Knabberkram latest at 17.30 clock. After the warm dinner there is still a desire for sweets. She has breakfast around 7 o'clock with wholemeal bread, cereal and coffee with a lot of milk. At 14 o'clock there is a not too lush lunch with leftovers from the eve (warm) or bread, cheese, Quark or similar.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

Your breakfast sounds great! Whole-grain products ensure a good and long-lasting satiety. You can complete the breakfast with some fresh fruit or vegetables.

After breakfast, you will not eat for a long time. From 7 to 14 o'clock it is after all 7 hours. Try out if you manage to get through the time from 5pm if you have a small meal around 11am, such as some raw food - also with quark dip, yogurt / quark with fresh fruit or a small slice of bread (preferably wholemeal bread) with low-fat toppings. You can also supplement that with some vegetables.

Although there is no gold standard that is valid for all people, stating that 5 meals are better than 3, but especially if you are struggling with cravings in the late afternoon, it is worth to try it with several meals. You may eat more than usual during the day, but you may save a majority of your calories after 5pm.

In addition, do not wait for the start of the cravings at 17 o'clock, but eat something before, for example, a cheese or ham sandwich (wholemeal bread, little or no fat margin on the hams, cheese between 30 and 45 percent fat in tr.) The alternative: thin quark with plenty of fresh herbs, onions, garlic, tomatoes, radishes, etc. - the you can smear thicker on the bread, because it is very low in calories. If you mix the quark with a little mineral water, it will be pretty creamy - almost like cream quark, but without cream! Or you leave the bread and dipping thick strips of vegetables in the herb quark. To bridge the time until dinner.

In principle, nothing speaks against a warm dinner since your late lunch seems rather small. The key criterion for gaining weight is the balance of the day, less the time you eat.

Sweet hunger after eating and especially in the evening can have many causes. If you follow these suggestions, you should not be hungry. But it may be that it is a ritual for you in the evening, maybe that is part of the cosiness for you? Maybe you reward yourself for a busy day? Listen in on what's the trigger. Do not try to renounce altogether, this increases the desire even more. Rather, try to reduce the amount of sweets piece by piece or consistently get by on some days of the week.For a small portion of fruit salad with natural yogurt speaks nothing in the evening.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Question 2: He should increase, I should lose weight

"Louette" has successfully decreased with the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet. The catch: Her husband has lost weight and is now at a Body Mass Index (BMI) of just under 20 - just short of the underweight limit. Therefore, Louette has again bought full fat products and cooked fatter, which has significantly slowed down their speed of decrease. How do they both get the calories they need?

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

It is indeed a challenge for your husband to increase and you still want to lose weight. More fat will make you the fastest to get more calories Because fat provides more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein for the same amount. But nutrition is not just about calories, it's about the nutrients it contains.

When losing weight, you try to pack a few calories in as much mass as possible, so that nevertheless a good saturation is achieved. Actually, the opposite is true when it is increasing: It should be eaten energetically without the saturation occurring too quickly (principle of energy density).

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and so is your husband. Particularly high in calories are, for example, grapes, bananas, avocados, peas and corn. So, for example, add half an avocado to your husband's fresh salad or stir your boiled vegetables a little in oil or butter. In addition, enrich the portion of fruit salad or salad for your husband with chopped walnuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Stir the dressing for the salad separately and distribute it later: Your husband gets more dressing than you. Vegetable soups, especially pureed, can be refined for your man with more cream or creme fraiche. Maybe your husband also likes entrees that have been seasoned in oil or hand him a few olives as a snack in between.
  • With fish or meat you can roast your piece of pure bread and bread. The breading neatly absorbs fat. Take the best for frying oil (good is, for example, rapeseed oil). Also enrich the sauces with cream fraiche or cream for your husband. Also suitable are smoked fish on bread or as an addition to the salad.
  • Milk and milk products are ideal for you with a fat content of 1.5 percent, for your husband with 3.5 percent. From time to time it can also be a cream yoghurt for him. If you're preparing a quark dessert for dessert, use skimmed quark and then add some cream to your man's portion. Here, too, you'll get extra calories with a few nuts. With cheese, you can buy different varieties for yourself and your husband. You have a fat content of 30-45 percent fat i. Tr. to recommend, with your husband it may be more. In between, have him munch on a piece of cheese or rub an extra portion of cheese over the casserole. This is also behind and not necessarily in the oven.
  • Nut kernels are ideal for nibbling. Every day a handful provide plenty of healthy calories. Dried fruits are also suitable. And of course it may be for your husband a few more sweets!
  • It is also important for your husband to consume more than 5 meals a day. As a late meal, for example, offers a milkshake with banana for him.
  • With the beverages you should energy-free or -arme drinks like Water, herbal or fruit tea or juice spritzers to prefer. Your husband, on the other hand, is more likely to have a glass of juice and a sweetened drink now and then.
  • For cereal products and side dishes, your husband should also prefer whole grains.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Question 1: Are the hormones to blame?

"Biene.01" She has noticed that she is always hungry for chocolate and chips when she gets her period. She wants to know if cravings in women also have to do with the hormones and what she can do against such cravings.

The answer from ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach:

It is true that many women are hit by food cravings before the beginning of the period and the hormones play an important role here. With regular and above all balanced meals, which influence the blood sugar mirror favorably, here you can best prevent and counteract.

Unfortunately, this phase is unfortunately not to be avoided in the women affected. It is important that you recognize, where the cravings come from and then also "reasonable" can handle it. So treat yourself to some chocolate, that is part of every now and then and, if the rest is okay, no problem for anyone.

The full post can be found in this strand in the community.

Discover even more information about the energy density of food!

Veeramachaneni Ramakrishna Gari Diet Program | Public Questions and Answers by Veeraamachaneni (May 2024).

Diet, energy density, food, drinks, calorie, diet, diet questions, experts, answers, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet Coach,