15 reasons why it is great to grow up!

Granted: As a kid, a lot was easier. There was simply a lot less responsibility on us. But do not the freedoms that adulthood offer us compensate in any way? In any case, we would be reluctant to renounce these 15 achievements of age!

  1. We are allowed to snack before eating ...
  2. ... and can then just eat fewer vegetables to compensate.

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  3. Nobody tells us to put on a jacket, which we only drag around because we are too warm ...
  4. ... and no one tells us, "I told you so", when we catch a cold afterward.
  5. We can break series without anyone telling us we're getting square eyes.

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  6. We are allowed to stay up as long as we want ...
  7. ... and if we have dark circles the next day, we can simply overpaint - because nobody forbids us!

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  8. We are allowed to eat sweets for dinner

    Growing Up - Episode 15 (May 2024).